01737 303530 (Reigate)
01293 825001 (Gatwick & Crawley)
01273 011142 (Brighton & Worthing)
020 8058 3225 (London)

09:00 - 17:30 Monday - Friday

Comfortable. Reliable. Customisation. Protection. Double Layer.  
This amazing face mask that fits the face and covers the nose & month. It has elastane so that it can fit any face size. It sits comfortably on the face with no irritation   

Get it customised with any design 

What is it?
Fight against COVID-19 and get your staff back into work as soon as possible with our amazing new line of face masks. Our face masks are double layer meaning that a filter can be put into it. Also they cover the nose fully instead of partially like others. This mask has elastane meaning that it keeps it shape and keeps you safe.